One of the things I love most about being a part of the larger coworking community is the spirit of sharing between people who are still trying to figure it all out. The first year — or three — can be a rollercoaster of victories and defeats, but there are literally hundreds of people out there more than willing to share the things they have found to work for them. During the first year of building our community I was… Read More »
Today on Liz Elam discuses coworking's secret sauce. Highlights are below, you can read the whole article here. Here are four ways coworking can help, whether a corporation is looking to make coworking an option to their employees, or to integrate some of coworking’s secret sauce into their own workplace: Proximity - When you work in isolation at home or in a coffee shop, you don’t interact with others around you. In coworking spaces you work around other people who… Read More »
Over on the New Worker Magazine, Melissa Mesku has a great profile on history and culture of GCUC. The entirety of it is reproduced below. If you haven't seen the New Worker, ch-ch-check it out! In most industries, the annual conference might warrant a raised eyebrow at best. But in the case of GCUC, the industry is coworking, and that makes all the difference. The quirky name, Global Coworking Unconference Conference, is in homage to a Stephen Colbert skit, and its acronym,… Read More »
For both veterans and newbies, space managers and members—here are 10 coworking resources, facts and tips you should definitely know about. The Coworking Visa lets members of one space work at others for free. If you are a member of a coworking space anywhere in the world, be sure to ask if that space is a part of the Coworking Visa program. Created to help us do our work on the road, the Visa allows active members of a space… Read More »