Blog + Press

Co-working?!?! No, It’s Coworking!

Posted on January 27, 2015 by sundaram in Coworking, Coworking Trends

co-working cartoon copy

Hey Coworking Peeps! It’s me, Lindsey, Director of Operations! If you’ve ever called or emailed GCUC we’ve chatted and if you have any questions, I’m here for you! Although I usually prefer hanging out behind the scenes, today I’m breaking that cloak of invisibility to issue you a challenge. Let’s fix co-working.

You know that pesky little hyphen that blights good press and scholarly articles everywhere? Yup, it’s time for it to go the way of the Dodo. Let’s fix this co-working vs. coworking madness once and for all. We’ve talked about it on the Coworking Google Group, in blog posts (here, here, and here) on Twitter and Facebook. The funny cartoon above made the rounds before GCUC 2013 and the “Please Don’t Hyphenate it, We Like to be Together” t-shirts are still a favorite.

I want 2015 to be the year we put this debate to rest. To that end, GCUC is offering two free tickets to anyone who can get the Associated Press Stylebook changed such that coworking, without the dreadful hyphen, is the official and correct spelling of coworking.

This is in the spirit of a friendly challenge. No need for legal mumbo-jumbo. If you can make this happen today, awesome! Two tickets for GCUC USA 2015. If it takes you all year, that’s OK too! We’ll see you wherever we land in 2016!

Let’s post updates using #nohyphenplease out on the interwebs.
