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How to Make the Most out of Attending GCUC

Posted on April 7, 2014 by Liz Elam in Coworking




GCUC 2014 is only a few short weeks away. It’s not time to pack your bag yet, but it is time to start strategizing about how to get the most out of your GCUC networking.


Pre-Conference Prep:

Define your conference objectives by answering three questions in writing:

1. What are my top three objectives for the conference?

2. What do I want to learn from the conference?

3. What relationships do I want to build at the conference?

Sample objectives:

1. I want to go home with the tools I need to create a business plan for opening a coworking space.

2. I want to learn everything I can about coworking space design so that I can upgrade my space.

3. I want to meet three like-minded space owners and form an ongoing Mastermind group with them. Speaking of Masterminds, check out the Leauge of Extraordinary Coworking Spaces which is a is a unique network of coworking spaces with a common standard of excellence. LEXC meets in person twice a year and has monthly best-practice sharing conference calls.


Now make a game plan:

1. Go to the “Who’s Coming” section of the GCUC website to review profiles and make a list of people that you want to meet.

2. Check the agenda to see if anyone on your list is speaking. If so, make sure to attend their session, sit up front and introduce yourself after the crowds die down. Most speakers remember the first and last people they meet.

3. Don’t see your topic on the agenda? Go submit your unconference topic right now!

4. Need a deep dive into a particular topic? Make sure you stay for Saturday’s workshops on Community Building, Making a Profit, Architecture for your Coworking Space and Technology and Coworking.


Now stop planning and be present and open:

1. Attend everything. Network through a pre-conference jog and go to dinner with new coworking friends or someone on your “relationship building” list.

2. Even when there’s no one on stage, you’re exhausted and all “talked out,” be “on.” Last year, I was getting mentally drained but I powered through and stuck my hand out to someone standing next to me in line for a speaker and a few months later, we opened the second Enerspace location together. You never know who you’re going to meet next!

3. Enjoy! You’re about to be surrounded by the lucky few that have made their passion their work.


Jamie Russo founded Enerspace Coworking with locations in Chicago and Palo Alto. She is also the new president of the League of Extraordinary Coworking Spaces.