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15 things I bet you didn’t know about GCUC

Do you know all there is to know about GCUC? Here are fifteen things you probably don’t know:

  1. If you say G-C-U-C fast it kinda sounds like juicy – which is where the pronunciation comes from. It’s how all the punny stuff started…
  2. Every GCUC has a giant set of letters. You can usually find them on the stage. #iconic
  3. GCUC’s name was a nod to Stephen Colbert
  4. GCUC never takes place at the same location. In the beginning, the conference was held in Austin for two years in a row, but not at the same venue.
  5. GCUC is powered by coffee. It’s how stuff gets done. Ask anyone.
  6. When we’re asked how to spell GCUC we use this acrostic: Goat Cat Unicorn Cat – keeps things interesting.
  7. GCUC USA falls on or around Cinco de Mayo and Jacob’s (of Office Nomads) birthday. There’s always an occasion for #tequila&cake
  8. If you send the crew a juicy coworking photo, chances are high that you’ll get a surprise back!
  9. Over 800 people attended GCUC China in 2015.
  10. GCUC is the most understaffed conference in the world. Every year it is run solely by Liz Elam and one other person…generally assisted by an intern or two.
  11. Adam Neumann, founder of WeWork, spoke at the very first GCUC conference.
  12. GCUC attendees have been inside firetrucks, built human pyramids, and squeezed themselves into some questionable places. Only at a GCUC conference will ten people cram themselves into paper canoes and two-person tents for the sake of a scavenger hunt.
  13. Turnstone has supported GCUC since its start.
  14. For the first time ever, in 2017 GCUC will be offering global sponsorship packages.
  15. Last year we held a ~200-person rock-paper-scissors tournament. It was epic. Thanks Neuner


Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.

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