Who's Coming

Celeste Andrews

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." Anais Nin

My dad worked on the factory floor for 30 years, while my mom worked at a desk in a government office and yet both were held account by their punch cards and confined to their places of employment. Technology modernised the assembly line and the office and yet we are still bound to traditional ways of work. I’m with you on changing this.

It is my goal to help families make the juggle, less of a struggle – by championing choices for Canadians, on how, where and when we work.

Join me on Twitter and Instagram @FlexWorkCND


Toronto, Ontario


Flexible Working, Supporting Families, the Built Environment


Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.

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