Who's Coming

Leigh Bolger

Howdy! Leigh here.

I moved to Toronto from Ireland 3 years ago and, if I’m honest, I hadn’t even heard of coworking before. It’s a concept that is now only taking off there but from what I hear, it’s as welcomed there as it seems to be here.
Being a community manager, I’m meeting people with different personalities and different individual space needs every day and it’s great to say coworking seems to be the answer for many.

I consider myself to be a friendly and outgoing guy. Have you ever met an Irishman who doesn’t love a cold pint!? When I’m not at the pub, I’ll likely be spending time with what seems like my own personal petting zoo of animals. They keep me tired, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. They’re the best company for all the incredible TV shows I struggle to keep up with these days.

If you see me about feel free to stop me for a chat but be prepared for a plethora of pics of the pets!




Toronto, Ontario


Community Building


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