I’ve worked various jobs in my life including direct sales, performing as a clown, and most recently, I spent 9 years managing a provincial non-profit organization. When I retired from that managerial position in 2016, I began focusing on my art career but kept taking on contracts with local NPO’s, as well as volunteer roles, because I missed the interaction with people and making a difference in my community.
In 2005, I organized a successful Guinness World Record attempt and lead 126 people to create the world’s longest line of aluminum drink cans – 63,877 cans standing side by side in a zigzag throughout our local fairgrounds. In 2012, I organized a national youth conference during which I lead 100 teens from small towns across Canada through the Montreal Metro. Now, I am ready for a new challenge – I look forward to leading the coworking movement in my small rural community. I’m excited by the opportunity to bring together entrepreneurs, former commuters, and organizations for collaboration, inspiration, and growth.