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How attending GCUC changed my workspace

GCUC was such an awesome conference – coming from tech startup land some conferences can just be – who’s on your board – how much have you raised, how many on your team blah blah blah for a product that doesn’t even exist! So my space was a co-working space but I was focusing on “startups and entrepreneurs” coz that is what I know

GCUC showed me a bigger picture of what co-working can and should be. I want my space to be full and to run without me running it, so I started thinking about all the things I needed for this to happen and who was going to pay for it.

I got my foyer pimped and a mag lock door installed (paid by a sponsorship)
I went over the books and looked at what was working, and what was needed, I got rid of an “event space” and turned it into 4 semi work stations (booked by the month) they got leased in under a day!

I put my blinkers on and had a real think about what this space could and should be not what I want it to be … based on all the info and inspo from GCUC so I let go of my “startup/entrepreneur” as my main focus

I am working on corporate sponsorship packages just now for the next year and instead of me doing classes all over the place, we will do them offsite – the community is building but the space is a space to work, all the other warm and fuzzy stuff, networking and events will offsite

My fave thing from GCUC was the mediation we kicked off with, so we will be doing a mediation and mindfulness sesh in the space

I have my hotdesks on liquid space all my other desks are leased by the month and have just got the next 12 months signed off

Oh and this new focus has shifted the tenants I attract, I have remote workers hot desking, just signing up, paying and coming – where as to get a local to hot desk it was like 17 emails to try and convince them, so yes definitely found my ideal client!

I could go on and on, so many things and even though I walked away mega inspired, they did take a while to implement – but it is all done now and I feel so good, totally different outlook on co-working and I am really happy!

So thank you and GCUC you are awesome and yes I am trying really hard to get to NYC!


Workingspaces HQ


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