Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.
by Cat Johnson Coworking is dismantling loneliness. We’re creating communities of happier, healthier, more productive, more connected professionals. And we can do more. CheckYoMate is a movement to encourage members of the global coworking community to check in on the people around us. In particular, we hope to start conversations around mental well-being and to… Read More
Nearly 200 coworking space operators, community managers, industry consultants, real estate professionals and vendors gathered in Melbourne for two days of tours, expert panels, open forums and happy hours at the Global Coworking Unconference (GCUC AU) on August 24-25. Conference response was positive and enthusiastic from veterans and newbies alike who came from cities and rural locations… Read More
It seems that as the coworking world expands, so does WeWork. How can local spaces compete with corporate business? WUN Systems, a GCUC AU sponsor this year, wrote an article outlining strategies to keep your space competitive. “Coworking will never be a “one size fits all” solution for everybody. Because of this WeWork is trying… Read More
It’s no surprise that The Global Coworking Unconference Conference (GCUC – pronounced juicy) is partnering this year with Ryan Simonetti, Co-Founder and CEO of Convene. Convene was honored by SmartCEO Magazine as one of the fastest growing mid-size companies on the East Coast. As the first “workplace-as-a-service” (Waas) platform that partners directly with landlords, Convene… Read More
Just a few snapshots from GCUC LA this year. Feel free to send in your own personal favorites to [email protected]. They may just make their way to our Facebook, Insta or twitter.
We all know what a conference is; people dress up, some show up in suits, it’s super formal, they’ve got a set topic of discussion, there’s some time for questions at the end, some are boring and some aren’t, you get the idea. We are GCUC, AKA the Global Coworking Unconference Conference. We’ll stop here… Read More
Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.