I’ve personally watched coworking grow from a few spaces (less than 100) to what I’m guessing is about 15,000 spaces around the world. There is coworking in every corner from Mongolia to Vietnam to Ecuador.
Coworking is not just an open space for working; Coworking is a movement. Its about working in a community and it’s on fire. Try to find a business center that doesn’t identify as Coworking – in fact Regus claims they invented it (they did not). Incubators and Accelerators now incorporate Coworking and Coworking spaces have offices for sale. Corporations are either adopting coworking design or sending their employees into Coworking spaces (GE, Facebook, Accenure to name a few)
We’re all just part of one big industry. Not the real estate industry, not the hospitality industry- it’s a new industry and we like to call it Coworking. If you want to be successful in this industry you need some skills…
- Design – including layout, space planning, interior design, wellness
- Hospitality – Making service look effortless, build a community
- Operations – Manage more than space- membership, contracts, F&B
- Real Estate – negotiations, contracts, property management
- Sales, PR & Marketing – social media, advertising, promotions
- Event Management – contracts, management, hospitality
- Financial – Taxes, employment
- HR – manage employees, members, interns , connections
You will be handling humans and humans are messy. Not just physically but mentally. They need care and feeding and they love to be taken care of… It’s a big responsibility. We want to help you learn and connect and grow.
If you want to not just survive but thrive, you will need a tribe. You will find your tribe at GCUC. How can you run a community without finding your own? GCUC isn’t just about speakers and happy hours. It’s all put in place for you so you can find your tribe or your next investor or an amazing partnership or maybe a friend for life. I know because I have found all these things and more at GCUC and that is why I will continue because we believe we can change the world… for the better on human at a time.
The next find your tribe is in NYC this May find out more here : //gcuclegacysite.wpengine.com