Blog + Press

Hoot hoot mother F**ker

Another juicy story that has made its way to us. Thanks Kay Transtrum!

I’m the program coordinator/ community manager at CO+HOOTS based in Phoenix, AZ and this was my very first time attending GCUC. Jenny, our founder, freaks out about GCUC whenever it’s mentioned and gushes about how amazing it is. Like anyone who watched the Star Wars movie three weeks after release or listened to the new Adele’s “Hello” after people subtweeted the crap out of the lyrics, I anticipated it not being quite as awesome as she said it was going to be, but probably still pretty great.

It freaking blew my mind. It was better than I anticipated and uniquely different than how Jenny described it.

As much as I love explaining coworking to the unfamiliar, it was so much fun to be around people that not only knew what it was but they loved it. They believed in its ability to change the workforce and… the world!

My “holy crap I’m home” moment was on the 10th floor eating lunch with unfamiliar faces. We quickly got through the basic introductions and jumped right into challenges we run into as community managers and differentiating our unique roles. This then spiraled into a conversation about culture and its many interpretations, which then lead to a conversation about creating and cultivating a team culture that promoted a strong coworking space culture (since the two have to be treated different). Listening to different space’s approaches to unique problems and creative ideas for connecting members and community was such an honor.

Thank you to everyone at GCUC for making this the coolest week ever. Between the awesome presentations, collaborations, new friends, flash dances, amazing food and goofy champagne toasts on the last night, I’m inspired to take these lessons and apply them wherever I possibly can!



Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.

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