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Top 5 “Non Coworking” people that should attend GCUC.

You hear Coworking and Unconference and you are immediately intrigued.  Is it for you?  Here are some groups that should be attending GCUC in NYC this May.

  1. You are a developer investigating the Coworking Industry.  We know you saw Wework’s valuation and you want in! It looks pretty simple, right?  Just make a really pretty space and wait for the hipsters to show up.  It’s not that easy.  You have to pick the right space, the right design and then operating it is actually very complex.  If you’re not ready to get dirty and work really hard, this is not for you.  Come to GCUC to form the right partnerships and find operators.  You may want to stick with real estate But GCUC is the place to find the one that can help run your properties and turn them into a shared workspace empire.
  2. You are in corporate HR and are looking to make your employees more engaged, more productive and happier.  Coworking is proven to make people, happier, better networked, and less lonely.  Learn why and how you can take advantage of existing communities. (Check out the research from the last couple of years)
  3. You are a brand looking to test a new marketing strategy.  Coworking operators are not just influencing the members in their own space… they’re influencing their entire community.   People in coworking spaces are early adopters and part of a larger referral community. Traditional marketing channels are not working… perhaps it’s time to evolve.   Red Bull and KIND have already figured this out.
  4. You are corporate facilities manager.  Learn why the open plan was not sent from hell as Fast Company would have you believe.  Why you should consider ripping out all the cubes and replacing them with a more dynamic layout.   We have a learned a thing out two in last few years. Coworking has BOOMED and there’s a reason.
  5. Commercial real estate brokers…  Coworking is disrupting your industry.  If you want to activate your clients buildings you better know Coworking.  Coworking is the new coffee shop.

Get your ticket now, they’ll be going up soon and we’re going to sell this out.  


Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.

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