An Unconference: GCUC Style
We all know what a conference is; people dress up, some show up in suits, some don’t, they’ve got a set topic of discussion, there’s some time for questions at the end, some are boring and some aren’t, you get the idea. But do you know what an unconference is?

Basically an unconference is an event (or conference if you will) in which attendees get to choose the topics of discussion. Think of it as a day of,crowd sourced, conference agenda- created by the people for the people.
You will find a rainbow of colorful blank eco-static notes on the glass, outside the auditorium, on Friday. You are invited to post a topic, any topic. This could be something that you are struggling with and need guidance on or even something you are passionate about and what to share with the rest of the attendees.

Once topics are posted you have 60- seconds (and we mean exactly 60 seconds) to fast pitch your topic. People will then vote on the topics that they want to hear and the most popular will be turned into sessions. If sessions are similar, we will then group the sessions into an “unconference agenda” and off you go.