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Mayor of Toronto proclaims February 24th ‘Coworking Toronto Day’

Posted on February 24, 2015 by Liz Elam in Community, Coworking, Press

CoworkingTorontoDayProclamationHeadlines about the Mayor of Toronto tend to receive a lot of attention. For the last few years Toronto city politics have been focused on an endless stream of incriminating videos and incredible antics at Toronto City Hall. Luckily for us Torontonians, that changed with the municipal election last fall.

This headline is exciting for another reason entirely – there is a new Mayor in town, and the focus seems to be back on our incredible community. Small Businesses are such an important part of our local economy, and as Mayor of the largest Canadian city, John Tory seems to think that Coworking is a important part of what makes Toronto such an amazing place to live and work.

The Mayor of Toronto has officially proclaimed February 24th Coworking Toronto Day, and it’s the first time Canadian coworking is being recognized in this way.

Toronto has a unique coworking landscape, as home to one of the first and most active regional coworking collectives. The Coworking Toronto Collective has grown over the past 5 years to include 11 independent member spaces and 15 unique locations across the GTA. Our collective is run by dedicated volunteers, and we are an evolving example of how traditional ‘competitors’ can collaborate.

We all run our spaces independently, but we meet monthly with other owner/operators and community managers to share best practices to improve our facilities, our policies and our communities. Every space is unique and we all have different knowledge and experience to bring to the collective.

We combine our marketing efforts and work collectively to spread awareness about coworking. We pick new projects to tackle every year, and this year we are excited to connect the members of our spaces and to help host GCUC Canada this September.

When we join forces we have the numbers and the know-how to pursue goals & projects that are larger than what we could ever achieve ourselves.

It’s pretty simple really, we cowork. We like to be together.

Just like the attendees at GCUC, no matter how diverse our interests might be, we are all passionate about the same things. We are all champions of coworking. We love our members, we love our city, we love collaborating and we love to make improvements and impact in our communities.

Think of all of the starters in your city. Think of all the people you are going to meet at GCUC. Think of all of the spaces and all of the members and all of the connectors and all of the mentors…

Now what would happen if you worked together?

Ashley Proctor

Foundery & Creative Blueprint
Coworking Toronto Collective
Coworking Toronto Day Proclamation