Antony Slumbers


Antony Slumbers has been a software development and technology strategist in the commercial real estate sector since 1995. Flexible workspace is the new demand default in the office sector and understanding how space and technology intersect to deliver on occupiers’ needs is critical in today’s fast growth market. Antony’s GCUC USA 2020 keynote will bring a highly anticipated and future-forward perspective to the flexible office sector at the GCUC event.

Antony consults and works with real estate boards on Transformation, Technology and Innovation. A well known speaker in property, he is a globally recognised expert on PropTech, and #SpaceAsAService.

Last year Antony worked with CBRE Global Investors, EPRA, INREV, CoreNet India, CREDAI (in Tel Aviv), MSCI, MRI, NSI, SEGRO, RICS, Nepi Rockcastle, Fifth Wall Ventures, IREI, iwfm and other great companies and organisations.


Space As a Service, AI, Innovation, and the future of work and the workplace


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