Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.
Here at GCUC we are immensely fortunate to cross paths and work with so many amazing people. Through our work, we’ve cultivated a global community of people we think you should know about. Community of Cultivators is a blog series we created to introduce you to coworking game changers and connectors. Each month, we’ll release…
by Liz Elam, founder of GCUC, the Global Coworking Unconference Conference As founder of GCUC, the world’s largest coworking conference series, I travel the world learning about coworking. At the end of each year, I look ahead to where the coworking world is going and share my predictions for the coming year. Looking Back On…
If you weren’t at GCUC Canada, you missed the live announcement but that’s okay because we are here to tell you that we are headed to Seattle for GCUC USA 2020! We have not been back to the west coast since 2015 so we figured it was about time! With this new local brings new…
Open concept office spaces are all the rage but you have likely seen the push back on them – they are noisy, they are distracting, they don’t work. But is that true? In our opinion, well designed coworking spaces aren’t noisy or distracting – they are quite the opposite. Light, acoustically sound, green, designed for…
Happy International Women’s Day, Ladies. We will keep this short and sweet but we wanted to give a shout out to some of the awesome ladies in the industry that inspire and motivate us. We couldn’t possibly post them all but wanted to acknowledge this important day. On average, women are paid 20% less than…
If you’re thinking about opening a coworking space or jumping into our thriving industry you need to attend CAMP. Think of it like taking a drink from a fire hose. In one action packed day we will teach you everything you need to know to get started! GCUC doesn’t believe in being static, we like…
Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.