Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.
If you weren’t at GCUC Canada, you missed the live announcement but that’s okay because we are here to tell you that we are headed to Seattle for GCUC USA 2020! We have not been back to the west coast since 2015 so we figured it was about time! With this new local brings new…
Happy International Women’s Day, Ladies. We will keep this short and sweet but we wanted to give a shout out to some of the awesome ladies in the industry that inspire and motivate us. We couldn’t possibly post them all but wanted to acknowledge this important day. On average, women are paid 20% less than…
Its that time of the year again. The crew is gearing up for another GCUC USA and (drum roll please) it will be held in DENVER! Yep,your read that right, we are headed to the mountains. Denver is known for many things; good food, amazing views, art, culture and soon it’ll be known for hosting…
You asked for it and we listened. At every GCUC we hear the same thing ‘We just want to talk to each other.’ Well, we decided to call your bluff and we are offering up the first ever GCUC Canada Retreat! Do you need a break? Do you want to get away from it all…
Coworking and Shared Office for Municipal Innovation Strategies. by Jayson White Attention Economic Developers! The real estate under your city’s workers’ feet is changing fast. And there’s a lot for you to do about it. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve read about the meteoric rise of WeWork, the proliferation of shared spaces and…
By Jo Meunier (née Disney) The Founders of Women Who Cowork said it: “The coworking and flexible workspace industry has been pioneered and shaped, in large part, by women” The flexible workspace industry wouldn’t be where it is today without the vision, drive and laser focus of leading ladies. In celebration of International Women’s Day,…
Want to learn more about GCUC, where it’s heading, how you can be a sponsor, or how to get in on the action in some other way? Contact us to get connected.