Posted In:Sustainability

  • GCUC Places: The network for your team

    The pandemic has truly accelerated the timeline of companies’ work from anywhere policies. The choice of workstation within the workplace structure is now in the hands of the employee and research shows they favor flexibility. Companies like Spotify, Netflix, Schneider Electric, Amazon, Google and SalesForce have already announced their departure from the corporate cubicle life…

  • Crowdcast Reap: Sales Strategies and Support during Covid-19

    In case you missed our sales strategies and support webinar here is the link to the replay and the notes we used to put it together. Watch the replay HERE If you have any questions, concerns or just want some guidance, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We will do our…

  • Is todays office fit for purpose?

    Open concept office spaces are all the rage but you have likely seen the push back on them – they are noisy, they are distracting, they don’t work. But is that true? In our opinion, well designed coworking spaces aren’t noisy or distracting – they are quite the opposite. Light, acoustically sound, green, designed for…

  • What’s Trending in the Coworking World By: Ceci Amador

    GCUC.ALL is less than 30 days away and what better way to get ready for it than by taking a look at some of the coworking trends of this year Growing Market Though in the early years coworking users were mainly freelancers and startups, this year we’ve seen how the market has expanded and reached…

  • Everybody Wins By Jamie Russo

    2016 Predictions: Everybody wins   Lines blur. Everybody goes a little more “co” this year. Coworking spaces COnvert some open space to private offices, executive suites hire COmmunity managers, hotels create club level floors designed for COliving, COrporations start serving local COffee and beer.   Coworking focuses on sustainability. The entrance of bigger players with…

  • Working Together…On Everything!

    I hope that you had a chance to read the recent article on coworking in IEDC’s EDnow newsletter (It’s only available to members, so if you are an IEDC member, you can grab it here). It goes into some depth on the phenomenon of coworking and what it means to economic development. If you don’t…


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