We are getting super excited for GCUC USA in Denver. So excited that we figured we’d give you a little sneak peak on some of our new speakers this year. This is just a small selection of our presenters, if you are interested in seeing the full line up then you should head over to the agenda page.
Amy Nelson is more than a Woman to Watch she is a woman on a mission. First of all she came out of nowhere but has quickly made a name for herself. She has a very clear and concise vision for how she wants to change the world for women and men. Just google her and read up. She is the force behind The Riveter and she has big plans. She is also able to return emails in a scary fast manner. We’re impressed and know she will be making an impression on you too.
When Jacob Bates was in the press recently I picked up on a differentiator that I don’t think many operators are looking at… time to market. Jacob is doing so unique pivots and raising a bunch of money. We can’t wait to learn more about his model and what makes Common Grounds unique.
Philip Vanhoutte is a connector and maven. You may have heard of a little project he did that developed Activity Based Work. Philip has been a student of how we work and is now a master teaching us the importance of nature and work. I’ve seen him speak a few times and believe me, you’re in for a treat.
Cheni Yerushalmi is an OG of Coworking. When Adam (yes of Wework) wanted to learn about the industry he went to Sunshine Suites in New York City. Cheni has been on a journey that will surprise and delight you….
We are blessed with so many amazing speakers at GCUC but we only highlighted few today. We invite you to join us at GCUC to see all of our amazing partners and contributors.
More to come, so much more juicy goodness to come. See you in Denver.