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People to meet at GCUC in Denver

Here are some rad people you should seek at GCUC in Denver next week:

Cat Johnson is a content maven. We have follow envy. She has a legion of fans for a good reason. Cat shares her real, authentic self and people connect to her and listen and listen and listen. She writes, she creates and she cultivates. Get to know her and don’t forget to ask her about her next book… @catjohnson

Amy Nelson came out of nowhere to set the coworking world on fire. She has a clearly defined mission and a laser focus. She also loves to help anyone she can and is a media darling for all the right reasons. @theriveterco

Jeff Joerling is trying to fly under the radar a bit but we won’t let that happen. Jeff was the guy that turned to me when I was pondering GCUC and said ‘it’s juicy.’ He also was in the furniture industry for years and has some mad skills. He is oh so quietly building a new coworking brand with an interesting twist… you should find him and ask him what that’s all about… @jeffjoerling

Melissa Gregg has written several books and is a prominent researcher on work and behavior. She is remarkably intelligent and humble and might just understand our industry better than we do. @melgregg

Philip Vanhoutte is coming to us all the way from his home base in Belgium. He is a student of the world and passionate about changing the nature of work. He someone you don’t want to miss the opportunity to meet. I promise you will come away with a smile on your face. @PhilipVanhoutte

Let me be clear, all GCUC attendees are radical. They’re game changes, leaders and advocates for the future of work and we look forward to seeing each and every one of you there.



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