Public Event
What’s next for coworking and flexible office space?
Hear predictions from in-the-know founders on future space-as-a service models and what strategies are being put in place to insure a healthy workplace and...
Why Flex/Coworking Should Be A Part Of Every CRE Portfolio Post COVID
The uncertainty caused by the recent COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in what’s being called “the largest work from home experiment”. Never before has flexibility...
Communication & Connection During Racial Unrest
Valerie Williams is a sought after voice in the diversity and inclusion world. She has led Diversity & Inclusion efforts at Airbnb and Stripe...
GCUC Unconference: Maintaining service post Covid-19
Join us for another juicy unconference. We'll be focusing on service post COVID-19. Let's talk about how to engage with members and build community...
How business and business models will change due to COVID19
Join the conversation with GCUC Australia and our partner Hub Australia on June 19th! We're hosting a roundtable on the topic your community voted...
GCUC Manchester Day 1
We feel it’s imperative that we don’t delay any longer and bring our community together to help each other in these challenging times. We...
GCUC Manchester Day 2
The event will take place over two days (24th & 25th June) between 1.30 - 4.00pm Manchester time or 7:30-10:30am CST.Each day will have...
Coworking Convo: How Can We Attract Remote Workers, WFH and Corporates?
How Can We Attract Remote Workers, WFH and Corporates to Coworking? Let’s chat about it. Join us for a free, informal, community conversation with...