Community of Cultivators: Edition 61

By Stormy McBride On June 28, 2022 In Community Cultivators Blog Series

Here at GCUC we are immensely fortunate to cross paths and work with so many amazing people. Through our work, we’ve cultivated a global community of people we think you should know about.

Community of Cultivators is a blog series we created to introduce you to coworking game changers and connectors. Each month, we’ll release new interviews that we hope inform and inspire you.

This weeks interview is with Katrina Larkin, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Fora; leaders of the workspace revolution. Since launching in 2017, Fora has opened 13 workspaces across London and Reading, Berkshire used by companies including Nike, Sony, and Dropbox.

Katrina’s passion for wellbeing reflects in Foras leading wellness, CSR and sustainability programmes. A pioneer in the festival world, Katrina co-founded The Big Chill Festival, bars and record label. This spawned an industry of similar events, bars, food markets and boutique festivals in the UK.

To get to know Katrina better, keep reading.

Katrina LarkinWhat in your life are you most proud of cultivating or creating? Why?

Probably The Haiti Benefit at the Roundhouse, London. Such a day of comradery, as friends and many of The Big Chill team volunteered to produce a night with so many great acts and presenters. Everyone gave their time for free and 100% of the ticket sales went to Action Aid and Medecins Sans Frontieres. The great and the good all shared one stage and all egos were firmly left at the door.

Where do you personally feel the most sense of community?

With my work colleagues . We’ve excelled through supporting each other. We take time to spend time together socially plus they can make me laugh even during the greatest challenges.

What podcast would you recommend to others and why?

I’m an avid follower of FT podcasts. Especially ones with ESG content.

What is one piece of advice you give everyone that works with and/or for you?

Never stop learning, always be curious and think about other people’s point of view from their shoes!

What advice would you give to someone thinking of becoming an entrepreneur?

It can be a tough, lonely road make sure you are deeply committed and passionate about your product.

What is the best habit you ever started? What habit do you want to start but haven’t yet?

To start recognising ‘imposter syndrome’ as an opportunity to step back and understand why I don’t feel able or good enough. What is it in my perceived ability I’m missing and concentrate on developing that gap. If I’m too comfortable and able… I’ll only get complacent. For example, playing tennis every week. I’m heading into my third summer saying I’m going to do this.

Check back next week for another edition of Community of Cultivators.