This is a day to go all out and celebrate the community you have but also champion flexible working for the rest of the world. After a LONG pandemic two years, the world is more than familiar with remote working but not everyone has experienced the magic of a proper “third space”*.
*thirdspace: The concept of the third space has been used as a sociocultural term to designate communal space, as distinct from the home (first space) or work (second space). —Source:
Remember your competition is not the space down the road, its peoples home and nonconsumption habits. Showcase the things that are missing from their daily routines, things that will enrich their lives whether it be professionally or personally.
In the wise words of our friend Garrett Tichy (Founder of Hygge)
“Desks are the least interesting thing you sell.”
We also created this handy little graphic for your instagram. Simply drop in your logo in the top left and your website in the bottom right and you are ready to rock. Just right click and save the image below, or download it here.