Blog + Press December 2012

How do you know if your community is leaking?

Posted on December 27, 2012 by Liz Elam in Community, Sustainability

How much of your energy is focused on growing your community by adding new members? If the answer is “most of it”, you’re used to feeling overwhelmed. A big part of that overwhelm is likely the feeling that you can’t add new members fast enough, or that your hard work doesn’t seem to be paying off. It’s easy to focus on increasing the headcount, meanwhile forgetting about the critical factor that can put a strangle-hold on all of your growth… Read More »

Making Coworking More Sustainable

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Liz Elam in Coworking, Sustainability

Coworking is already, by nature, a sustainable idea. It's part of the shared economy - which is part of the larger sustainability platform. By sharing and not duplicating resources, coworkers are quite eco-friendly just by going to work. But what if coworking spaces and members started doing more. Maybe the coworking movement can extend it's green-mindedness to other on-going practices. I'd like to propose an Unconferece Session at GCUC to explore ideas for how coworking spaces can up the ante… Read More »