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Partnerships of all kinds formed at GCUC

Posted on April 15, 2014 by Liz Elam in Community, Coworking, Retrospective

David Singer tells me a GCUC connection story I just love. Chin resting on folded hands like a little kid, I ask him to tell it again and again, and he always obliges.

In a nutshell, David was researching Coworking and came across GCUC. He was checking out the speakers and recognized a long lost friend from high school: Benjamin Dyett of GRIND. Thanks to reconnecting through GCUC, David is now an investor and key part of GRIND’s growing business. Not much makes me happier than to know that GCUC has brought together two such fantastic people to advance a successful Coworking business venture.

Another great GCUC connection story comes from Jamie Russo of Enerspace in Chicago. Jamie was at GCUC last year and started a conversation with Pacific Business Systems. Here is a quote from Jamie, the current president of LEXC and two locations of Enerspace:

“GCUC is an excellent source of content and knowledge for Coworking space owners, and it’s also an unparalleled opportunity to connect with a wide range of players in the industry. At last year’s conference, I met Scott Chambers from Pacific Business Centers while waiting for a speaker to start. Five months later we opened Enerspace Palo Alto together!”

My favorite partnership, though, is the love story. Tony Bacigalupo of New Work City met Amy King, who was covering GCUC on a media pass. They’ve been meeting all over the world ever since and just celebrated a year together. We can’t wait to hear the juicy details….

As the GCUC event producer, I’m privy to all sorts of information about who’s coming. We have investors, real estate industry moguls and many others coming to explore Coworking and land future potential partnerships.

GCUC is so much more than a conference to meet investors. GCUC is a about connecting on a face-to-face, human level. We all spend so much time behind devices, looking down. Let’s look up and connect in KC. You never know whom you’ll meet!

Liz Elam is the Owner of Link Coworking and the Executive Producer of GCUC.

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