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Why You Should Sponsor GCUC in 2013!

Posted on January 26, 2013 by Liz Elam in Coworking, Press, Sponsorship, Sustainability
Why Coworking? Coworking is a Marketing Goldmine

Coworking spaces are their own little ecosystems.  In our experience at Link Coworking in Austin, TX, we find that they tend to make good money and enjoy spending it on quality products.  At work, they use an arsenal of laptops, tablets, monitors, smartphones and related accessories – headphones, headsets, cases and stands. They drink great coffee, teas and bottled beverages; and enjoy convenient snacks daily. Many coworkers listen to internet radio, and most are always on the look out for the best apps and services. Outside of work, they shop at premium grocery stores, try new restaurants, work out, enjoy a beer and travel all over the world. All of them have friends, families, and professional networks of their own. Marketing to coworking spaces is a great way to seed organic growth.

We did a little survey last year and found out our average member has multiple degrees, speaks at least two languages, and has visited twelve countries. Prior to joining, most of our members had little more in common than living in Austin and, working from home or out of coffee shops.  We often introduce a new member and give them one little nugget about each other, walk away and watch.

So how do you reach coworking spaces?

Become a GCUC sponsor. GCUC, the Global Coworking Unconference Conference is emerging as the largest coworking conference in the world. We are expecting about 400 industry leaders from around the world. Over 85% – 90% our attendees own or operate coworking businesses that cater to a wide variety of independent professionals, startups, and small businesses. According to Deskmag’s 2nd Global Coworking Survey, coworking, as an industry, is growing 200% year-over-year, and is expected to exceed that in 2013. The average coworking space in the US caters to a membership of 44* remote or independent professionals, and entrepreneurs – each of whom have their own unique network of friends, family, neighbors, colleagues and professional contacts (*Deskmag). The best way to reach them is through the coworking owners and operators who bring them all together. These connectors are very much like the coworkers they serve, but are influential super-networkers. They are the key to an entire extraordinarily valuable, but hard to reach community.

Sounds good, but how many people are we really talking about?

At a bare minimum, by sponsoring GCUC this year you can reach over 14,000 people. That is 320 coworking space operators, their members, and the rest of the GCUC attendees. In reality, this number is probably 15-25% higher, but conservatively, this is an opportunity to reach 14,000 smart, savvy folks from around the world.  When you support GCUC you are supporting Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Start-Up’s, Innovators and Independent Professionals.

Don’t delay; GCUC has a limited number of sponsorships available. Sign up today!

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