PSA: Time is running out

By Stormy McBride On January 13, 2020 In Coworking

Coworking Space

The US Government is going in BIG on Coworking

Will you answer the call?

Just so you can grasp the size of the government… The federal government owns about 270,000 buildings and 2.8B SF. In the U.S., 95,000 governments, special authorities and special districts own more than 3 million buildings and 650 acres of commercial real estate, which includes offices, stadiums, warehouses, hospitals and parking lots.

The GSA has issued a contract opportunity for “Flexible Coworking Service” (note even the US government knows there is no hypen!)

The GSA is per their website:

GSA provides workplaces by constructing, managing, and preserving government buildings and by leasing and managing commercial real estate. GSA’s acquisition solutions offer private sector professional services, equipment, supplies, and IT to government organizations and the military.

They’re basically the purchasing arm for the US government. They have lots of fun requirements (sarcasm) for their bids so you need to get your ducks in a row.

Click here to find the specifics of their ask. Time is of the essence as they will host a phone call on 1/16 and bids are due 1/30. If you’re interested it’s time to get busy. Remember you can partner with your friends…