While we preach (and practice) shopping small, supporting local and helping uplift your community, we also feel strongly about contributing to large causes that support the greater good.
With that being said, we bring you the first phase of GCUC GIVES. GCUC GIVES is a program we created that allocates all proceeds from certain items in the coworking shop each quarter to go to a charity or cause. We have chosen the first cause to get us started but in the future will be polling the GCUC community to see what causes they would like to support.
This quarter, GCUC will be giving all proceeds from the Coworking Pride Shirt to the Human Rights Campaign as apart of the GCUC Gives program. If this is something you feel passionate about, we would love your support.
Our ultimate goal for GCUC GIVES is to be able to build a platform where coworking spaces across the globe can pledge and donate a portion of their monthly sales to a cause they feel connected to. As the coworking industry grows, so should our social impact.