Friendly Fire: The Dirty Secrets of Coworking

By Stormy McBride On June 29, 2023 In CommunityGCUC Australia

It’s time that we have the hard conversations surrounding the coworking and flexible workspace industry.

While this is business, it is a human centric operation with lots of complexities and moving parts, often likened to an adult day care or social club.

Our industry has a few dirty little secrets that it’s time to be brought to the light.

Here is a session sneak peek: 

  • Operators do not invite genuine criticism from their customers
  • Lack of transparency is a sign of immaturity – and it hinders investment and growth.
  • We lie to each other about our performance .
  • There is a greater need to deploy sound business ratios to monitor and improve performance 
  • Many coworking businesses should never get off the ground 
  • Loss-making pricing to win deals is almost always a dumb tactic 
  • Landlord operators in Australia fail to deploy good flex businesses because they are unresolved as to their purpose and don’t know how to achieve commercial returns 
  • Lack of design attention to dedicated desk product areas 
  • We need to do a better job at nurturing and loving on our front-line staff and community managers
  •  If you can’t afford to fit out the space the way the addressable market needs it fitted out (eg offices, decent meeting rooms) don’t sign the lease


Meet the speaker behind the friendly fire session, Clive Dale: 

Clive is the force behind Bioom

Over many years Clive has developed, owned, operated and advised on flexible workspace offerings. He is also a leading advisor to landlords, a business broker and a founding board member of Flexible Workspace Australia.

He is best known for…

  • Reshaping the workplace
  • Reimagining and delivering buildings that respond deeply to human needs
  • Ushering the convergence of space, hospitality, technology and work
  • Being a kind and generous human being with a beautiful soul 


To hear this session along with many others, buy a ticket to GCUC Australia in partnership with the FWA. The event will be hosted August 2-3 at Flex by ISPT