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Inclusion and Diversity in Coworking: GCUC UK Partners on London Workspace Event

Posted on June 5, 2018 by GCUC UK in Community, Coworking, Coworking Trends, Future of Work



GCUC UK is partnering with the European Coworking Assembly and Ouishare UK for an event titled Inclusion, Diversity & Accessibility in Collaborative Workspaces.

Focused on the benefits and challenges of creating inclusive and diverse workspaces that are accessible to all, the event is the latest in a series designed to activate conversations around the core values of coworking.

It takes place June 18 at Huckletree West in London.

As coworking continues to redefine the future of work, the workspace industry faces pressing issues around inclusion. How do we better diversify collaborative workspaces?

As Jeannine van der Linden from European Coworking Assembly and de Kamer explains:

“We cannot be satisfied with accepting what we already have and then adjusting that. To create the future, we need to hear from and support the folks most affected—people who are curious, open, accessible, collaborative, and ambitious to create the new environment of work—if we want an environment that embraces all of us for the good of all of us.”

The event will feature a panel discussion between event chair Jeannine van der Linden and the following panelists:

  • Claire Carpenter – Coworking Accelerator / Melting Pot
  • EdinburghEd Goodman – Cambridge Business
  • Lounge/Freelancer Heroes
  • Eric Ace – Founder – The Studio – CamdenPolly Robbins Co-Tech and Space4

Event attendees are invited to bring stories, questions, ideas, thoughts and insights around diversity and inclusion to share.

Event information:

Inclusion, Diversity & Accessibility In Collaborative Workspaces
Monday, June 18
11:30 a.m. — 2 p.m. Free.
Huckletree West
191 Wood Lane

> Get tickets

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European Coworking Assembly – The European Coworking Assembly exists to connect and support coworking in Europe, to work against silos and exploitation, and to open doors in ways coworking uniquely can

Ouishare RadioOuishare Radio is part of the Ouishare UK team. Weekly episodes cover topics related to Ouishare projects, such as the future of work, coworking, the peer to peer economy, freelancing and events Ouishare produces or partners on.

GCUC (Global Coworking Unconference Conference)GCUC is the world’s largest coworking conference series. On September 25 and 26, GCUC makes its European debut with GCUC UK in London. Get tickets to GCUC UK

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