7 Things you can do to help with revenue in the Summer Months

By Liz Elam On July 9, 2019 In Coworking

We’ve been in your shoes, when summer rolls around 1 of 2 things happens… actually strike that, both of these things are likely to happen over the course of the season but one is more concerning than the other…

  1. Kids are out of school and parents are struggling to work from home so you see an influx in your membership (YAY)
  2. Kids are out of school and parents are wanting to spend more time with their families and are traveling so they are pause or cancel their memberships for the summer (STRUGGLE)

So let’s address the latter, shall we? What do you do to spike revenue and drive membership when things get slow? Check out the list below.

  1. Use Deskpass (or another service like it) or if you already use it, open up the days you accept guests- if your space is running low on people, why not make it available to others? We have seen many desk passers turn into full time members, just saying.
  2. Go give flowers to the front desk of your local chamber of commerce and give them info about your space- make sure to leave a stack of business cards or one day passes. They cross paths with many people in the community that could use your services. Befriend them, for real.
  3. Join GCUC Membership and offer Enterprise Level benefits to your new and existing members. You want to know how to keep members all year round? Offer them something that ties them to your space like HR services, Healthcare, Payroll or a mailing address.
  4. Market your virtual offices and mailbox services! There are lots of services out there that allow people to sign up to use your coworking space as your business address and receive mail there. Some of these mail services like anytime or sphere mail allow you to open and scan their mail to them as well so they don’t have to be physical members. This is PERFECT for those members of yours that are traveling for the summer but don’t want to have their mail put on hold…. They can route it to you (and pay you for it of course)
  5. Market your meeting rooms and event space. While membership is slow, your meeting rooms are likely not being used as often, this is the perfect time to market these to the community.
  6. Host an event. Not only will hosting an event bring more brand recognition, it will get people in the door, asking questions. Some of our favorites are pop up shops or a little market during off hours, Women’s networking group, yoga, or even just a happy hour.
  7. Use the summer to focus on content strategy, we suggest Cat Johnson’s classes. Summer is the perfect time to level up your content marketing and get specific about who your target audience is.

*bonus: take a dang vacation. While this does not drive membership directly, it really plays apart in your wellness. Our team jokes that vacations are good but they are really just jump starts to 1000 new ideas because we always come back ready to go. 10/10 highly recommend it. Even if it is just for a weekend.