Why you need to attend GCUC Manchester

By Stormy McBride On May 23, 2024 In CommunityGCUC UK

Thinking about attending GCUC UK in Manchester but haven’t purchased your ticket yet?

Here are our top ten reasons on why you need to attend GCUC Manchester in June:

  1. Immersing yourself in our roundtables and panels, where we will cover topics from workspace design trends to community building strategies, will provide knowledge and actionable strategies to enhance your workspace operations.
  2.  Get ready for stimulating conversations and the chance to build connections that could have a real impact on the future of work. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to keynote presentations by some of the brightest minds in the field.
  3.  Discover potential business opportunities, partnerships, and new ventures by connecting with industry professionals, collaborators, and leaders during structured networking sessions or casual meetups.
  4. You’ll have the opportunity to engage in dynamic panel discussions featuring voices from all around the coworking community, covering topics such as small space innovation, sustainability, and community building from top-tier hospitality.
  5. Learn about how sustainability is essential to integrate in your design if you want to future proof your business and attract younger generations.
  6. Hearing real-life case studies and success stories from successful coworking operators will offer valuable lessons and inspiration for your own journey. You’ll gain unparalleled access to the inner workings of successful coworking spaces, from the beginning to their current standing in the industry.
  7. You’ll meet amazing humans that will support you on your journey and share their knowledge. From seasoned industry veterans to ambitious newcomers, each person you meet brings a unique perspective, valuable experiences, and a willingness to support your journey in the coworking world.
  8.  Exploring coworking spaces in Manchester offers a firsthand look at workspace designs, amenities, and community dynamics. These coworking tours provide inspiration that you can apply to your own coworking space, helping you stay ahead of trends and deliver exceptional experiences to members.
  9.  Benefit from a global perspective on coworking trends and practices, with speakers and attendees from around the world sharing their experiences and insights. Whether you’re seeking inspiration from successful coworking ventures abroad or aiming to adapt global strategies to your local context, this international perspective offers knowledge and cross-cultural exchange that can enrich your own coworking journey.
  10. Leave inspired and motivated to drive positive change in your workspace and contribute to the evolution of the coworking industry.

Consider it a ticket to unlocking the best coworking wisdom. We hope to see you in Manchester in June!