Dear Remote Employee

By Stormy McBride On February 3, 2022 In UncategorizedAmenityCoworking

Dear Remote Employee,

We hear you. You have just spent the better part of the last 2 years working from “not the office” and quite successfully I might add. Your supervisors are telling you it’s time to come back to cubicle land and HR is echoing the same but it no longer fits your professional needs, wants, life choices or goals.

We get it. We’ve been doing this remote work thing for years and can’t see ourselves returning to a dimly lit, uncomfortable, corporate HQ building (sorry corporates you can do better). Whether it feels like it or not, the power is in your hands. The war for talent is about to get even more intense. Amenities, flexibility, salary and location are all going to be factors that dictate who gets the best of the best.

Let us help you advocate for a flexible work situation or at the very least, a hybrid option.

  • Lay out your track record. You’ve been working from home for 18 months and killin it. Why interrupt a good thing?
  • Offer a non “work from home” but still flexible solution like a coworking space or a membership to a coworking aggregator platform (think deskpass, liquidspace, upflex, etC) that allows you to work from remote locations with secure space and wifi at your leisure.
  • Power in numbers- get together with your colleges and talk to management about what you are looking for. It’s much easier to say no to one voice than 5, 15, or more.
  • Figure out what your competitor is offering in flexibility and ask them to match that. The war on talent is tough.
  • Ask for a stipend to supplement your home office/coworking space needs (sit stand desk, ring light, internet)

Goforth and ask for what you deserve. We are rooting for you. Feel free to send us an email if you need help finding a space that fits your needs.


We are here to help,

Your friends at GCUC