Here at GCUC we are immensely fortunate to cross paths and work with so many amazing people. Through our work, we’ve cultivated a global community of people we think you should know about.
This week we interviewed Shlomo Silber of Bond Collective. If you haven’t heard of Bond collective stop what you are doing and google them. Their spaces are beautiful. If you joined us at GCUC NYC in 2018, you might have seen their space on a tour. Give Shlomo’s answers a read.
The obvious answer is I’m very proud of building Bond Collective from the ground up, however the total answer is a two fold. I’m proud of the community and environment that was built within our spaces, but also the team that helped create the company with me. Every single person is dedicated to our mission, values and growing the company. Overall, I think we’ve built a very interconnected and woven team where people are able to cultivate their talents and skills which reflects in our locations.
Our environment and internal community sets the tone for the community feel within our space. Creating inclusive and passionate environment where everyone is welcome translates directly to each of our spaces. This need for a sense of community started when I was a kid, growing up in Orthodox community and always having the feeling of an interconnected relationship with a number of people at once. Experiencing that early on has stayed with me throughout my personal and professional career.
I don’t have one piece of specific advice, however I’ve realized – however hard you get hit with things, keep rolling with the punches and move forward. And when you do get back up, look at the big picture and for the solution. Also, that most problems are not life altering or ending, so there will always be a solution you just might have to look hard for it.
The best habit I ever started was waking up early and consistently working out in the mornings before going into work. It consistently makes me feel great and energized for the day. Something I want to start doing more would be breathing exercises and meditation. Practicing those two items daily is definitely a goal of mine.